I, too, a sister had, an only sister - She loved me dearly, and I doted on her; To her I poured forth all my puny sorrows; (As a sick patient in a nurse's arms,) And of the heart those hidden maladies That e'en from friendship's eye will shrink ashamed. O! I have waked at midnight, and have wept Because she was not! (From Samuel Taylor Colderidge's poem, "To my friend, with an unfinished poem" a condolence poem from 1794.) This past June 1st was the second anniversary of my sister, Sandra's, death. I still miss her badly and wanted to post something on that date, but couldn't think of anything good enough. Then, watching the movie, "All my Puny Sorrows," based on a Miriam Toews novel, I looked up the Coleridge poem from which the quote comes. Sandra was my best friend and close confidante. Every so often I think, "I must phone her and tell her about...." and it takes a moment for me to remember that I can't. That rem...
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