
Showing posts from August, 2022

New writing project

  In 2021, in the middle of Covid-19 I published my novel, A Girl Should Be .  After that, I felt lonely for a writing project.  I have written five Canadian historical novels centred on real or fictional women characters and populated both by imaginary people and people who existed in the past. I wrote about  the Manitoba women's suffrage movement and World War I; a family's involvement in the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike; two separate novels about young women coming of age in the Roaring Twenties and the Dirty Thirties  (1920s and 1930s) and folk song collecting in Ontario in the 1950s  - not in that order.  In the years since my Master of Arts degree in History (Queen's, Ruth "Olson"),  I have kept on reading and thinking about history, and reading historical novels.   Historical novels I read when young started me on the path to history and to writing this type of  novel.  This past year, still reeling from the impact of the pandemic upon all of us, I knew I