New blog, sad beginning

     Because of difficulties in posting on my old blog,, I am starting a new blog, and regretfully, I'm beginning with something sad.  On June 1, 2022 my sister, Sandra Elaine (Bott) Edwards, died in hospital in Sudbury. I still can't believe she is gone.  Roger and I, her husband, George Edwards, and her daughters Carla Edwards Palangio and Lesley Edwards Twaworsky, along with their husbands and children, miss her terribly.

    The pictures above show 

1) Sandra and me when we were still preschoolers, back in the days of black and white photography.

2) Sandra, George, Roger and me last summer

3) Sandra in a photo that embarrassed her but which we all think is lovely.

A Celebration of Life is being held in her honour on July 9, 2022, near her home in Englehart, Ontario.


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